Photo © Portakabin Group / Yorkon


The efficient transformation of the construction industry from a sector dominated by traditional forms of design and build to one that increasingly recognises and values the benefits of an approach based on the use of offsite construction techniques is dependent on the acquisition of new skills by all those involved with the industry and its clients and funders.

This includes not just the skills to inform effective design and build but also a change in midsets to be open to the benefits of adopting an alternative approach to the design and build processes.

Buildoffsite is not formally involved in the provision of training and skills but we work closely with the Professional Institutions, Universities and skills and commercial organisations who have this responsibility.

Buildoffsite promotes an improved understanding of the skills required by an emerging offsite industry through its programme of events, Discovering Offsite visits, publications and networking activities.

Buildoffsite is also delighted to participate as a Knowledge Partner in the Supply Chain Sustainability School and also supports the other collaborative projects supported by the UK Commission for Education and Skills.

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