Join Ideal Standard at Clerkenwell Design Week

Ideal Standard’s evolving family of design-driven bathroom products take centre stage at the company’s new showroom during Clerkenwell Design Week. See below for more information on what you can get involved with and how to sign up…

Wednesday 22nd May

Monster Fatbergs and the Super Sewer

A thought-provoking discussion delving into London’s super sewer to find out what lies beneath.

Leading writer and educationalist, Sir Christopher Frayling will chair a discussion on the development of London’s Super Sewer, one of the UK’s most topical architectural issues, to find out what lies beneath.  He will be joined by the lead architect on the project, Clare Donnelly and Vyki Sparkes, curator of ‘Fatberg! The Monster of Whitechapel’.

Arrival drinks: 5.30pm

Event: 6pm – 7pm

Key Speakers: Sir Christopher Frayling – a historian, critic, and award-winning broadcaster

Clare Donnolly – Lead architect of the Super Sewer and appeared in the BBC documentary last year

Vyki Sparkes – Curator of social and working history at the Museum of London who curated “Fatberg! The Monster of Whitechapel”

Thursday 23rd May

The (UN) Gendered Loo

Design historian, Libby Sellers, will make a keynote speech exploring gender politics in washrooms and how design can play a part in providing a solution.

Arrival drinks: 5.30pm

Event: 6pm – 7pm

Key Speaker: Libby Sellers – a design historian, consultant and former senior curator of the Design Museum, London

For more information about this event and to sign up for a place at one of their talks, please visit their events page.

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