Tackling the retrofit challenge through Smart Construction

22 June 2021 Add to calendar


To meet our challenging carbon targets we must accelerate the speed that we are tackling the energy efficiency of the 27 million homes that need to be retrofitted by 2045. Smart Construction provides new materials, new technologies and new processes that can all help.

Whether you are housing association or residential social landlord with significant housing stock to retrofit, or a contractor or a product supplier in need of innovative solutions to help you tackle the residential retrofit challenge, this conference staged by the Smart Construction Network will provide a valuable insight into the research and development work that the network’s 15 Centres of Excellence are undertaking to bring new technologies, materials and processes to market.

By attending this conference you will:

  • Learn why residential retrofitting is so important to our net zero ambitions.
  • Understand the key retrofitting tasks we need to focus on to achieve EPC A housing stock.
  • Discover how digital technologies can help.
  • Hear how new technologies and products are currently being tested across the UK.
  • Discover some of the innovative business models that are being trialled to deliver retrofit at scale.

Register here

Conference programme:

14:15: Introduction and scene setting – Ian Heptonstall (10 mins)

14:25: Keynote address

The challenge – why residential retrofitting is so important to our net zero ambitions (20 mins) William Swan, Director of Energy House Laboratories – Salford University

  • The size of the challenge.
  • The key tasks to successfully retrofit to EPC A.
  • The lessons learnt from pilot projects and research.
  • The demand and supply side challenges.

14:45: Q&A panel 1: What are we learning from the research and pilot projects (30 mins)

  1. Oxford Brookes – Rajat Gupta
  2. SHAP – Rosemary Coyne
  3. University of Salford – Bill Swan
  4. Active Building Centre – Joe Atkinson

10 min break

15:25: Q&A Panel 2: New Materials, Digital controls and improved processes. (30 mins)

  1. University of Huddersfield – Patricia Tzortzopoulos
  2. National Composites Centre – Neil Appleton
  3. Mitsubishi – Martin Fahey or Max Halliwell
  4. STBA – Peter Draper

15:55: Q&A Panel 3: Business models for delivering retrofit at scale. (30 mins)

  1. University of Cambridge – Jennifer Schooling
  2. Retrofit Works – Russell Smith
  3. Energiesprong – Emily Barham
  4. Wates – Ben Williams

16:25: Summary (5 mins)

16:30: Close