Buildoffsite Rail Hub General Meeting 26th April 1pm-5pm 

26 April 2018 , CIRIA, Griffin Court, 15 Long Lane London, EC1A 9PN   Add to calendar

CIRIA, Griffin Court, 15 Long Lane
London, EC1A 9PN  

All members are invited, (room capacity permitting).

The next Buildoffsite Rail Hub Meeting will be held on the 26th of April. At it we will present the latest Buildoffsite DfMA guide for Bridges and Viaducts produced with input from the group. We will also look at what we can do to support the London Underground Step Free Access Programme and how offsite can help deliver the vision outlined in the WSP report “Out of Thin Air, building above London’s rail tracks”. It will be a very interactive session, looking for ways of helping members  to collaborate to offer greater client value. Spaces are limited so we advise prompt booking to ensure a place.

Members please book here.

Non members please contact Kate Abley

For more information call Kate on 020 7549 3306