BOPAS Breakfast Briefing

11 July 2018 , Lloyd's Register, 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4BS Add to calendar

Time                       08.30hrs – 10.30hrs

The Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS) has been developed by Lloyd’s Register, BuildingLifePlans (BLP), Buildoffsite, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, The Council of Mortgage Lenders and The Building Society Association to provide assurance to the lending community and valuers, that non-traditional systems of construction can be used in new house-building with total confidence and traceability, with the option of insurance cover to provide additional certainty.

BOPAS certification is available to designers manufacturers and constructors and will provide confirmation that properties, constructed using non-traditional forms of construction, will be sufficiently durable to support loans over a period of not less than 60 years. The availability of a BOPAS certification is a recognised means of managing financial and construction risk and serves as a primary gateway to mortgage finance across the sectors including institutional investors in new public and private sector housing developments, and client groups including RSLs and LAs.


08.00                      Registration & coffee and breakfast

08.30                      Introduction and overview of current Government initiatives in the Offsite sector–

Professor Nick Whitehouse

08.50                      The BOPAS Scheme:

– Context and benefits

-Accreditation process and database – Terry Mundy, Lloyd’s Register

-Durability assessment process

-Update on registrations – Jeff Maxted, BLP

09.30                      Accreditation awards to organisations who have successfully completed the BOPAS process

09.40                      A manufacturers perspective of the BOPAS process – Top Hat Industries

09.45                      Q&A and Discussion

10.00                      Refreshments and networking

10.30                      Close


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